Thursday, February 21, 2008

Keeping in step...

Just to make sure you are all updated on the Twilight Movie. Stephenie made her way to Oregon, which I must add is a fabulous place to film in with greenery everywhere. Nothing like California that is for sure. Anyway, here is what she said about her visit to the set:
"Hey guys, I thought you might enjoy a couple of pictures from my weekend on the set of Twilight the movie. It was an amazing time; I had the chance to visit some of the film sites (Oregon is gorgeous!), go through the story boards (if just scanning through the sketches is so exciting, I can only imagine how much more thrilling the live action will be), watch some brief videos of stunt work (ouch! but so cool), and even catch a little bit of a vampire baseball game (look out—James is a ringer). My favorite part was dinner with some of the cast and crew. You don't know surreal until you sit down at a table with people out of your imagination. It was more than a little bit disturbing how pretty everyone was, and who knew movie stars were so nice? Anyway, if you ever get a chance to visit the set of a movie based on a book you wrote, I definitely recommend that you go for it.
Check out the website for another picture!!!


Carissa said...


I'm glad you're so crazy about Twilight. I can always check out your blog for the latest.

Unknown said...

Yahooooooooo Okay, he is beginning to become my dream Edward! I really need to get better at reality vs. non-reality!