Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fully ready for a nap!!!!

I tell you, sometimes I feel like I am on a hamster wheel...a very large hamster wheel at that! Gals, if you don't work outside the home count yourself blessed. I feel I am running non stop and by the time I get home I have to keep running because it is either the laundry, the house needs to be cleaned, meetings, ward temple night, Sundays at church, dropping off kids to various places, attempting to grocery shop, keep track of the kids' homework, yucky business meetings, and occasionally I totally zone out and plug my headphones into my laptop and watch movies and not listen to anything else or anyone else. I am just waiting to...well I am sorry I can't really tell you. I have to go now!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are you waiting for????? I am curious...