Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Hate Valentine's Day...

I am sorry, this may seem sacreligious to admit this, but I cannot stand Valentine's Day!!!! Here's the thing. Most of you know I am a plain jane. I do not enjoy dressing up too much. May a formal night on the cruise, but mostly I hate to go out to crowded restaurants with other couples. I am NOT a jewelry person. I have no fondness for diamonds are any other accents. To give you an example, while picking out my wedding ring Don and I argued. I wanted a tiny diamond, as I knew there was no way I was going to go without one, and he wanted a larger one. In the end, I was sent to the opposite side of the store by Uncle Richard who discussed the diamond with Don. Don's Uncle Richard...of Caldron's Jewelers on Central Ave downtown... made my ring specifically for me. Don, who used to work there while we were in high school, picked out my diamonds. I don't mind flowers, they are nice, but they never stay. I can never find a decent outfit around lately. I do not need any more projects. I can't even finish the ones that I have. I don't have any books that I want. I buy whatever chick flicks I want when I want them. I don't have too many things that I truly want. A nice, but honestly have you seen the cards around there?! I guess perhaps I am a sour puss, but I seriously have a tough time with this holiday....I always have. Perhaps it will disappear quickly!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am laughing so loud right now I am surprised you cannot hear me! I know what you mean though, too much expectation. I dooooo love the chocolate though. Let's see if I get better than Russell Stover this year. Ooops, I guess that is an expectation...