Sunday, February 3, 2008

Being myself...

I have whined before about not feeling as if I belong anywhere. It seems sometimes while everyone else is "normal" I am always feeling like I do not belong like I am different from everyone. I received an e-mail from a friend I traveled through Italy with and she included this picture. Looking at these tulips (being quarter dutch, I have always loved tulips) I realized that although the one yellow tulip is different from the thousands of is not meant to be looked down upon, but to shine for the world to see and appreciate. We are much the same way. We are asked not to hide our light under a bushel but to let our light shine. I am grateful now that I do see things a bit different and I am able to share my different views and opinions with others that may ask why I see things differently. When I look at this picture I no longer think about how ostracized that one yellow tulip must feel, but I now wonder: How many of those red tulips want to be like that yellow one? Interesting question isn't it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE this!!!!! What a great visual.