Sunday, March 16, 2008

I realized several things today....

I truly realized a great many things today.
#1 I have neglected my spiritual growth. As I sat in Sunday School listening to our fabulous teacher I realized I have neglected to feed my testimony. Sad but true. I am hoping to change that. It will take time, but in the end it will grow.
#2 I miss Primary. As I sat in the quiets of Relief Society I heard our primary belting out the happy birthday tune and I thought how much I missed the kids. It was my comfort zone. I hate being out of my comfort zone.
#3 I am exhausted. As we sat reading scriptures this afternoon with our kids I found myself falling asleep on more than one occasion. Either I am in training to be the first female high priest or I need to find a way to get a bit more sleep. Insomnia is a curse as well as a blessing for my writing
#4 Nothing ever happens smoothly in callings. Expection the imperfections to come through. It is easier to handle things with this attitude!!!
#5 I truly miss vacations!!!!


Jan said...

Well at least you realized some things. More than most of us.

Poetry of Life said...

I loved sitting with you in Sunday School. Jennefer is an awesome teacher and I love listening to the way she breaks stuff down. I've been trying to read the chapters in advance for my scripture study each day. That's about all I can handle at the moment, but I still feel like I'm working toward a goal.