Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last night...

Last night was a very busy night for my entire family. Molly had an activity day meeting at 5:30, At 6:30 I picked up both Molly and her friend and dropped them each off at home. From there I ran to bring Corinna to mutual and then helped out a bit there. Don brought my Bryan to church at 7:15 for his interview with the bishop about becoming a deacon. I have never seen Bryan wear a suit...even when we picked it out earlier in the week and had him try it on. So, when I saw him walk into the church in a navy blue suit with a red tied and white shirt it almost brought tears to my eyes. you have to understand this kid loves to wear sweats and nothing else more. So, to see him dressed to the hilt was amazing. He will look that good again on Sunday...girls beware!!!! I will try and get a picture of him and post it, but I am a proud mother so I am a bit partial. From there he went and changed into his scouting uniform and put the suit away for the night. He had a board of review to advance himself in the scouting program. He managed to finish that and then exhausted from both interviews he went home and threw on his sweats again before I managed to get home. I am thankful for my little guy and my entire family, but i am happy that day is over. I am done!!!!


Jan said...

Busy bees around your house. Glad that he is doing such a great job growing up. He must have a terrific mother :)

Hatch Family said...

very cool!