Friday, May 23, 2008

Places I want to see in my lifetime...

I was thinking about the different places that I want to go and see. Being a travel agent part time does that to me. I see all the wonderful brochures that pass through my hands and exotic places and so forth that are here on this earth and when it is slow in the office I think about them. Someday I hope to travel and see them at least once. So, here is my list:

1. Dundee, Scotland- My best friend in the entire world lives there. We have been e-mailing nearly every other day for over 6 years now. In all of our ups and downs in my life and hers we were there for each other. It is a friendship like none other. I want to finally see my girl face to face and tell her why she is my best friend.

2. Australia- I am fascinated by this, not because of Steve Irwin, Crocodile Dundee, or even Nemo. It seems like an incredibly wonderful place to me. The Great Barrier Reef is a must see to me and I am dying to see it in person. I am fascinated by the culture and the friendliness of every single Aussie I have met. Ayers Rock is a true landmark and I would love to see that with my own eyes as well.

3. London- Since I was young I have wanted to see London. Will i ever? I don't know, but I just want to wander the streets and enjoy the city itself. i want to hunt through the markets for something fabulous, see Big Ben, explore Harrods with no time limit, see a play on the West Side and just soak in the sights.

4. Alaska- Ok! You are going to see me for who I truly am. I want to go and see the grizzlies up in Alaska. I want to be close enough to take some great pictures that will fill a lifetime of memories for me. I want to see a bald eagle in its natural habitat soaring free high above the treetops. I also would love to see orcas in the wild. They are fascinating to me.

5. China- I want to see the Great Wall and walk upon it. I want to experience the culture there. The food...mmmmmm!

6.Greece- I want to see the ancient ruins and see where the Olympic Games truly started.

7.Japan- The people, the culture.

8.Tonga- The people

9. Capetown, South Africa- if I am standing here that means that I am about to get into the water with a Great White Shark!!! YAY!!!!!! I can see the looks on your faces: "WHAT!?"

10. Netherlands & Ireland- My ancestors are from there.


Jan said...

Can I go with you. They all sound wonderful. I would include Denmark and Switzerland and Norway and Spain. Those are where my people are from. Keep on dreaming and it may all come true.

Unknown said...

Can I sign up for the London trip?