Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm Suing!!!!

That's it! I have lawyers contacting Mr.Kirkpatrick MacMillan although I think it will be rather tough since that dastardly man has been dead since 1878!!! What do you mean what am I talking about?!?!?!

Ok! So, we started the day simply going out to breakfast and ready to just relax and have a good time. I picked up my bike from the cycle shop here in town...I left it there last month to get new shifters put on...No such luck apparently. I took it over to Livermore Cyclery which was a breath of fresh air. As it turns out the repairs and everything it would take to get my bike running again totaled up to enough to make it worth me getting a new bicycle. So, with a new bicycle what else is there to do but to ride it. When the kids came home with no homework we instantly loaded up the bikes and drove out to Del Valle Regional park and biked some of the paths (some paved, some dirt). At that time I had a strange sensation that I detected as the precursor of a heart attack. No, not really, but it was a bigger workout than I had expected. needless to say my body aches in places that it didn't yesterday.

So, who is Mr Kirkpatrick MacMillan you may ask? The man who invented the bicycle with pedals...If I ever see him I plan on knocking him down!!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Sorry about that. I hate unexpected tallie amounts. It no fun. Just don't fall when you knock him over.