Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today I am grateful for...


I do mean this in all seriousness. I am so grateful for the laughter in my life. It helped me last night while at the salon getting my hair cut and my hairdresser said the one phrase you never want to hear her say: "OOOPS!!!" Laughter is my means of dealing with stress, happiness, sadness and just everyday. When hubby and I decided to get married there was a lot of turmoil in our lives as some of the family members were protesting the wedding. On the day of the wedding as we knelt across each other at the altar all the stress, all the pain, all the anger melted away being replaced by laughter. Hubby was so happy he began to giggle. I tried to squeeze his hand, but that made it funnier. The absolute worst part was that someone seated behind attempted to hand him a kleenx assuming that the shaking in his shoulders was from crying. No, my dear hubby was laughing because he was so thrilled. So, laugh a little's instant therapy!!!


Jan said...

Me too. I love laughter. And I will do some today.

Unknown said...

That is such a cutes story. I could totally picture that!