Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hubby is fine and not sad any longer! He just needed to talk and verbalize his frustrations of having to wait. I mean really, who likes to wait for anything. However, he is back to being Mr. Happy Go lucky...well maybe not THAT happy!!!! You can't turn a rock into a bunny...I'll let you philosophize that one out!!! Anyway, we are fairly well. I e-mailed my agent last night who told me that he was in contact with three different seriously interested people...well, let the bidding war begin. I know I know!!! In my dreams, but it could be a good thing. I had a couple flashes mixed in with my dreams two nights ago....NO!!!! Not a couple flashing!!! Anyway, I had a couple of what I call flashes that give me glimpses into the future a bit. No I am not psychic or anything, it just happens once in awhile. To give you an example it is like turning the channels. You see one channel for about 3 seconds while you are changing to another channel. I know, now you are going to think I am nutsy, but the way I figure've already figured that out. Anyway, the two flashes were #1 clearancing out the store and #2 packing up the moving trailer. We were smiling the entire time. So, I have no worries, we will be moving and grooving soon and there is no use worrying about things that you can't control...even if I am a control freak!!!!


TroyandJessica said...

Oh yeah Tammy, you"re nuts!!! Just Kidding, you know I love you nutty.
Don't ever change that. I'm happy to here that Don is feeling better. Ya'll take care. Love you!

Jan said...

Glad that hubby is back to normal. Take care and groove on Tammy.

♪Emmy♪ said...

i made two post about "Twilight". I think that you will like them