Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why we do what we do:

It's for the tiny giggles coming straight from the belly.

It's for the tiny feet taking their first steps.

It's for the first smile you can't attribute to gas.

It's for the very moment they become completely potty trained.

It's for their first baths.

It's for late night feedings.

It's for the teary eyed smile when you kiss their boo-boo away.

It's for the all nighters when they are sick.

It's for the last look before they walk into their kindergarten for the first time without you.

It's for that same first day when you don't know what to do with yourself during the few hours they are in school.

It's for the look of relief when they emerge from their classroom and see you waiting with open arms.

It's for the snack you share when they tell you all about their school day.

It's for the day you help them overcome frustrations on a homework assignment.

It's for their first day of middle school and realizing your baby is no longer a baby.

It's the celebration of womanhood when your daughters have their first period.

It's for the smile spread across your face when you overhear two girls talk about how cute your son is.

It's for having to have "the talk" with your kids when they ask.

It's for the days when you see your child succeed at something they struggled with in school.

It's for the sadness you feel when your child talks about what college they want to attend.

It's the comfort you feel when your teenagers ask for your advice AND listen to your answer.

It's for the day you can go to a chick flick with your daughters and have a blast.

It's when your teenage son hugs you and says he'll always give you hugs, but...ahem...not in front of his friends.

It's for the steps they've taken, the people they have become and holding onto the knowledge that all the love you've given them, the lessons taught as a toddler and the nights spent watching over them while they were sick.

It's every single moment you've given them and seeing their beautiful spirits emerge as the morph from the newborn baby to the adults expecting their first baby and ready to start the same journey.

This my friends is why we celebrate motherhood today.

Happy Mother's Day!!


Cynthia said...

Amen! We've experienced many of the things on your list and are excited about the rest that are coming someday too soon. Except having 'The Talk' part which it's time for me to do with the twins. I'm totally NOT looking forward to that one!

Happy Mothers Day to you!

Shauna said...

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY my sweet friend!
♥ HUGS ♥

Ninny said...

Happy Mother's Day Tammy!

CB said...

Hope you had a GREAT Mother's day. You always have such interesting pictures - this one is cool!