Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let the countdown begin!!!

It is quite scary to think about, but 30 days from today we roll out onto our new adventure. WOW!!! I can't believe it has started. I am still working on renting a home down in San Antonio within our means. I want to be able to go down there with two months worth of rent. By that point, I should have a job and we will have settled in. So, all is well here...Everything is falling into place and I am thankful for the confort in my heart. I am also thankful for my bloggy buddies who have been so warm and caring sharing their hearts, their cheer and encouragement. I can't wait to update you on my journey!!!


Jan said...

You are going to have some great experiences ahead of you. I wish you all the best Tammy.

I am grateful for the Prop 8 thing as well :)

Momza said...

This part of your life will's good that you have blogs about it to look back on in a year from now...what perspective you will have gained!