Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cooling effect....

So, last night we went swimming. It must have been hot because I actually went in the water. I think I have this phobia about being seen in a swimsuit because quite honestly not all women come out looking fabulous after three pregnancies in three years. Of course my youngest will be turning 11 in two months so I guess that is no excuse is it?! Anyway, I felt cooler for awhile. Don BBQ'd some chicken and we had dinner real quick. Just in time for the kids and I to catch "Camp Rock." I am a Disney fiend so whenever they come out even though it was meant for teens and such. I am a dork and I loved it!!! Of course the kids did not love that Don made them go to sleep halfway through the movies since they were so tired.

the best part about the night was the cool delta breeze running through my bedroom window right over my head. It will be another hot one, but at least I know it will cool down tonight. if i know that I can survive. For anyone else out there that is having a heatwave hit them I am indeed sorry and I truly feel bad. Trust me I understand...we don't have A/C so it gets hard to deal with sometimes. I am always thankful now that we aren't having the same temps as 2 years ago. 123 that is ugly!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love the Disney stuff too. I am glad you got your swim on. Good for you. You're inspiring me maybe to take a jump.

Stay cool....