Saturday, June 21, 2008

This 'N That...

We have been really enjoying this fabulous weather. Honestly, once it hits a hundred degrees I start messing with people who are whining about the heat and casually mention that we have no air conditioning in our house. You should see the look of horror on their faces, but really, most of the time we get the heat and then the delta breeze cools us off nicely at night. The same will happen today. We had it fairly warm this last night, but after experiencing 123 degrees w/o the good ol' AC then I can handle anything!!!!

Last night wasn't too bad because we took off the instant we made it home. We headed out to watch the Oakland A's and the The Florida Marlins battle it out at the ballpark. We had pretty good seats. We were in the 16th row. In fact, we are close enough for me to feel like I was watching a little league game. The players all looked soooo young. Ugh! Miserable, but honestly I got over it fairly quickly though. It was a really good game aside from when dusk settled in and we were all attacked by these little gnat bugs. At one point this poor Asian tourist had 13 on his back with A few of them crawling into his collar. EEEWWWW!!! We were all brushing off the backs of the people in front of us. Thanks heavens for cooperation!!!! The bombardment lasted about 30 minutes and then they all drifted off somewhere else. I am not kidding when if someone held up bug spray they would have made a mint off of it!!!! I will remember that one next time.

By the time we had made it home it had cooled off outside, but inside it was still a little warm. We were all so beat that we fell asleep no problem. Now here I sit in the store waiting for our bazillion customers to come in and make a bit of money to pay the mortgage. Of course, I can't complain...we do have AC here in the store. Yay work!!!!!

Have a beautiful weekend!!!


Jan said...

I saw your book Tammy. It is just really a nice cover. I love the color and the design. What exactly is it about? I am curious. It didn't have a review that I saw. With the word Dragon, I was just wondering.

Glad you had fun and have fun in the store. Bye.

Jules said...

I saw your boo-ook. I saw your boo-ook. (read that in a singsong voice and you'll get the gist of it.
Woo hoo. Congrats and wow! I'm so happy for you!!!!!

Jules said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm melting here - it must be 450 degrees in the shade! I don't do heat well.