Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Watched.....

I watched curiously as my son opened the printer and extracted two pieces of paper. He walked quietly back to his room. I peeked around the corner and watched him. There he sat, perched on his bed. His scriptures sat open in his lap and he held his "For Strength of Youth" pamphlet. I watched him for a few minutes as he read, then scribbled, read, then scribbled more. He followed this pattern for several minutes and I backed away feeling overwhelmed as a mother.

After he finished whatever he was working on he emerged from his room and I questioned him on what he was up to.


What was the paper for?

Oh, I just had to write a talk.

You're speaking in sacrament meeting?

No, for ward conference, I was asked to speak during priesthood.

Do you need any help?

No, I finished it.

Several days later I sat in his room talking to him and I asked if i could read his talk...He kept saying no, but FINALLY I persuaded him to let me read it. I was touched. His simple words were so beautiful to me. They touched my heart and as I drank in his message I thought of how blessed I feel as his mother.

He is a different boy. For the most part he is a happy, easy going, laid back kid. He is and will always be my beautiful, blue eyed boy. I can see an eternity in his eyes. His spirit is precious. I learn from his example. When it is time to go to do fast offerings, go to a meeting, call other boys in his quorum, speak...I've never heard a complaint pass his lips. When it comes to my cooking...that's a whole other ballgame. However, when it is the Lord's errand...not a hint of a complaint.

I don't know if that is normal. I can't seem to figure that out. I don't have anything to compare him to. I feel like the mother of a Stripling Warrior, but I recognize I can't take the credit. Sure, we love him and try to teach him as we try to teach all of them, but the credit truly goes to his young men's leaders and leadership we've been blessed to live under.

So, for now, I'll watch in the shadows and smile as I see my son grow into the terrific young man and future missionary serving the Lord with all his heart, all his mind and all his might. And every single day I will whisper my thanks to the good men who lead my son in truth and righteousness.

So grateful was worth losing everything.

Sometimes you need to lose gain everything...worth gaining that is.

1 comment:

Momza said...

I think it's true that our children come to us with certain gifts and abilities--and we learn so much from them!
But you can take some credit here too for nurturing his talents/gifts/abilities as well as his leaders. You've laid the foundation, Mama. And that's a great thing!