Sunday, May 16, 2010

Let the Whirlwind Begin!!!!

It's Sunday...The Day of Rest, some may call it. Me? I call it the beginning of a very long week. It won't be dull, that I can guarantee. However, it will allow me time to break out of the depression that seems to be my constant companion lately. that in itself is a good thing.

Today, church...dinner at my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house...then home.

Monday, get kids up and ready, take bus into office, change into new shirt provided by office and enjoy being spoiled on breaks, compete in balsa wood glider competition and paper airplane making competition.

Tuesday, get kids off to seminary and school, work at home, get off work early and RUN over to middle school in time to see my youngest be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society...come home and collapse

Wednesday, get kids up for school and seminary, make sure they get to where they need to. Steal car from hubby and strand him at home while I work in office. Schmooze with the properties that pay my salary... it's Salad bar day along with some fun activities and contests...I think the Wii will be going during breaks and lunches. Drive home and collapse.

Thursday, get kids up and out of the house for school and seminary. Make hubby give me ride over to work, enjoy a day with Shamu and animal friends visiting us and snack on sandwiches and games. Wait after work until nearly 11pm for hubby to pick me up...go home and you know it...collapse into deep coma.

Friday, wake up and get the kids off to school and seminary. Do grocery shopping, come home and put everything away and then go back to sleep while hubby heads off to work...all before 8:30am. wake up late afternoon refreshed. Take shower and get ready for an evening with that's the way to celebrate the "almost closing" to a long week.

Saturday- wake up early and take bus into work while hubby gets kids up and ready to drop off somewhere while he works....we haven't figured out the logistics yet, but we will...i hope. After work wait for hubby and rest of family to show up and enjoy spending time together at the company picnic to bring to close Associate Appreciation Week.

Sunday- wake up early and work from home....yup...schedule changed and I am back at the grindstone on Sundays. Pray often to make it to Monday where I am just responsible to get the kids to school and then make it to the doctor again to enjoy another shot of that FABULOUSO cortisone!!!! Oh yeah...I'm so ready!!!

I'm having a feeling there is no way I will be blogging this week. Of course, I'm also having a feeling these is no way I will survive!!! We'll see though!!! have camera...will travel!!!


Silcox Stories said...

You can do it! You are such an example of "put your shoulder to the wheel!". Makes my mountains of laundry seem like mole hills compared to your week.

Oh and I too have had many a cortizone shot in the foot, SO not fun. But the relief it brings is worth it!

Unknown said...

Whooosh! I'm exhausted for ya!