Saturday, March 1, 2014

5K?!?!?!?!? What was I thinking?!?!?!

First and foremost...I've survived. You see that banner behind our heads...It's the finish line and we are still smiling!!!!!

Second, you should also know it was a 5k WALK not run. I wouldn't have survived the 5k if I were running. As it was, Hubby asked me every hundred yards how I was doing. I was fine and I had my fitbit going as well.

I served on Team Wingman, one of the top ten teams. Hubby and my 130 something teammates accompanied me. We were walking for a find a cure for MS. More than likely MS is wreaking havoc in the lives of someone you know...even if you don't know they have it.

So, today...earning my 10,000 daily steps was easier knowing I had a purpose and I had two friends in mind as I crossed that finish line. They amaze me. I hope someday I can be like them!

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