Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Been Awhile!!!

Time flies when you've lost your mind and your life is like a runaway me...I know.

I survived yet another semester and I am halfway through my courses to get through school. I am grateful for my husband in supporting me though he doesn't understand just why I decided to go back to school. SOme days, I don't either. It's not like I am going for a Bachelor's Degree. It's just an Associates, but it gets me on the way to where I eventually want to be. We shall see how it turns out I am just hoping for the best.

Hubby is loving his new position. The best Christmas gift he received all year was from a woman who works for him at the Elementary School. She is originally from Mexico City and emigrated here and became a citizen. it has long been her dream to speak english like other Americans and she is working hard to fulfill her dream. Every few eeks or so she comes over to our house and my husband tutors her on her pronunciation. For Christmas, she wrote him a letter in english of how much she loves him and how grateful she is with his patience and support in her endeavour. Tears filled his eyes when he first read the letter. I nearly cried reading it as well. She is a sweet older woman whom my husband has a great deal of respect and admiration for.

The kids are all doing great. My oldest, Rinni, is working hard at all of her classes. I can barely beleive this next year we will be applying to colleges....Where did the time go? She is now in National Honor Society and feeling good that she belongs to something. She is into her art and enjoying every minute of it. I couldn't ask for more.

Bryan is enjoying life and getting out and having fun with some friends. He recently joined up with 18 of his friends and went to the mall. They had a great time. He is always heading out camping with the young men.

Molly....sigh....oh Molly. She is the one child that puts a lot of thought into the nonsense she writes on facebook. She has the statuses everyone waits to read and then scratches their head laughing when they read what she wrote. And with her....there is a backstory behind everything.

Workwise for me I've hit my stride. I am gearing up to work on Christmas, which is fine because they were nice enough to let me off for a week at Thanksgiving. How can I complain? I am working early, the shift I adore. I'd never ask for anything more. I am still loving my job and coming in happy every single day...unless I am not awake. As with most hotel employees....we can never remember one date to another.

Hopefully, I can blog a big later with some news that is more interesting than this, but know that I live and I breathe and I survive. Until then...Happy Blogging!!!

Do You Ever Feel Blessed?!?!

My life is a hectic crazy chaotic mess....and I feel blessed.

Here I sit at the front desk passing time after completing all of my work and thinking about my children and Hubby at home snoozing away....and I feel blessed.

I feel blessed for my feet hurting at the end of the day because it means I am working at a job which I love with people I adore and learning new things while being valued in a way I've never felt before.

I feel blessed for all the twinkling lights which illuminate the Riverwalk and Alamo Plaza....I get to enjoy them everyday either coming or leaving from work.

I feel blessed when walking from my bus stop in a rainstorm. Yes, my shoes and pants are getting wet, but we need the rain here in Texas.

I feel blessed when I see my answering machine filled with means I am loved.

I feel blessed not to be able to see my means I have enough food.

I feel blessed to have my family and friends. Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends!!!