Not only did my parents go to bat for me and lug 20 rolled tacos and a large bag of tortillas from our family's favorite mexican food in the state...not many people can claim that...but today they We are truly thankful...took a load of stress of my mind.
It started with my father calling me and asking me about our sea kayak. He was interested in buying it so that we wouldn't have to lug it across three states and store in a garage or storage unit somewhere. THANK YOU Daddy!!! Needless to say I was thankful for that small gesture. As it is in my family...small gestures are never enough. We are truly there to take care of each other, when we need to we all chip in and out our shoulders to the wheel and take a stand to back each other up. It is family first at all times, in all things and in all places.
Today my parents shared a tidbit of information...they have taken care of my move. It seems they've hired a company to bring a trailer and drop it off, we load it, I leave and they meet me down there within the week. Needless to say I am THRILLED!!! In turn, we are to pay it forward to our children. It is these beliefs I grew up with and I am eternally thankful for the lessons they have provided me.
With one less weight on my shoulders I can concentrate on my final two hurdles. First, find a place to live...I think I found a great spot. Second, sell the interior barnwood from the store. We are working on that as well.
For the first time in months I am starting to think everything might possibly work out. Imagine that!
you have awesome parents!
Of course your parents are wonderful! They had YOU didn't they? So happy for you!
♥ Jen
I totally understand how you feel about your parents. We would have never made it without ours. Reading your blog helps me everyday to continue to try and be upbeat about life. You are an inspiration!!!
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