Today was another garage sale and unfortunately it was a major dud for me. Others had better luck, but it was pretty much worthless to set things out and not have them leave. Frustrated beyond all belief I had to haul a lot of it back inside. Was it a loss? No, I wouldn't say that. The reason? A handful of former customers dropped by the garage sale to send their well wishes. I am indeed grateful for their show of support. It meant the world to me that not only one woman dropped by, but her daughter followed later on to show their support. Afterwards, I forced myself to go to the store and pick up a few things for breakfast and dinner tomorrow. I am incredibly grateful at this moment. So, tell me...what are the chances? What are the chances that while being exhausted after a day in the sun I would pull into my favorite store, pull into just the right spot at just the right time in order to get out, walk towards the store at just the right time to see a family walking back to their vehicle at just the right time in order to see the mother wearing one of our "Caldron's General Store" t-shirts I had designed. It reminded me at that moment in time Heavenly Father has this all under his control. I see the blessings coming and the dominoes are beginning to really fall.
Hubby has an interview on Monday with Target. He has humbled himself and realizes a job is a job right now and things are merely things. We do not need another fabulous vacation, wandering the streets of Venice, though it does sound dreamy. Right now, we need to work together to find our way in this crazy world. Hubby has finally decided to go back to school...something with his attitude towards school and his difficulty in understanding due to learning deficiencies I thought would never happen. I told him he could do some learning online and I could take time to help him understand and we could work on it together if needs be. He has sufficiently humbled himself and sounds like a new man. He is letting go of his frustrations and anger of disappointments. He is metamorphosing into the man I always knew he had the potential to become. Monday he walks into Target for a job interview. Most people would say Target is for after school jobs, but for him it is a chance to shine and start anew.
Earlier today I talked to my father-in-law who has been helping me on a major project. He unbelievably has found someone wanting to buy the train car...yes, our dear old boxcar. Perhaps before it leaves I will dare to climb up to the top of it and look down upon my little corner kingdom. Fabulous!!!For now the rest of the project is under wraps, but we shall see how it goes...the dominoes are falling after all!!!
Tonight my daughters babysat three lovely kids and when I talked to my oldest I could here the frustration in her voice. She felt a bit of a failure as she had to call the parents because she couldn't get one to listen. I listened to her frustration and felt her heart was worn from the day. However, she also had a note of appreciation in her voice for all that Mom's go through.
Tomorrow for Mother's Day the kids and I will spend the morning making strawberry syrup for pancakes, and then getting dressed for church. Afterwards I will teach my kids how to roast a chicken and how to stuff it. All three love to cook. My 11 year old knows how to sautee mushrooms, all three can create fabulous omelettes, my son baked blueberry muffins as a special treat for him and I tonight. I am grateful for the children I have. And though I do not have my dear hubby here, his heart is here beating in my chest reminding me in the eternal perspective our distance is but a sigh. So,yes...I miss him, but I feel the time is appraching fast. We will be moving in the next month and will find each other still being eternal sweethearts and knowing that our seperation was necessary to make us stronger and improve our attitudes in a way which would be impossible any other way.
Happy Mother's Day from me to all my fellow mothers!! I love you all!!!
Happy Mother's Day Tammy :) Burn't and all.
What a wonderfully supportive wife you are! ♥ Jen
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