Thursday, April 23, 2009

We all have those friends...

I'm sure you can picture that person right now in your know the one! The one who when you say the statement: "I'm fine," they know you are isntantly not fine. It could be your BFF, your husband, the old lady living next door, or even your grocery store clerk.

Today, I would like to celebrate these friends. I would like to celebrate the people who take their time to know us, love us and offer us a hand up when we are down.

Today, my friends, I celebrate YOU!!! I know I have been down lately and realized last night as I dialed a friend how easily I can be read. I explained to him I give my all to my husband and kids...after that I just fold because I don't have enough for myself. He understood. I received his encouragement, his hand to help me back up and appreciated the friend I have had for so many years. I very much look forward to being reunited with my sweet husband and restarting our crazy life. Though things may look bleak now there is a ray of sun reminded me of what is on the horizon.

Thank you all for your hope, your help, and your prayers. I couldn't make it without you.


Ninny said...

Wondering how you are holding up. You haven't updated for 4 days. Are things okay on your end?

CB said...

It is a wonderful thing to have intuitive friends - they really are few and far between.
I hope you are doing OK. If I lived near you I'd bring you some ice cream and we could sit and chat and watch a chick flick!!


Elisa said...

If I still lived in Illinois, I would be there now, banging on your door.