Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why Do We ALWAYS Dwell on the Negative?!?!?

I'm so frustrated. I am normally a positive person. Nothing brings me down..WHY?! Because I struggle with depression, that's why!!! I have those same gloomy negative days everyone else experiences. In the end, I have to push any chance of a gloomy cloud away otherwise it gets very dark in my little mind.

So what's the problem?

I work with two of the biggest cranky women I've ever met. One is pregnant and all she does is complain about EVERYTHING. From the moment she punches the clock in the morning until she punches out at night. The same goes for the woman who serves as my boss. Her AC is connected with our General Manger's office AC. She doesn't like cold. So....from the moment she gets in I hear in a whiny voice: "I'm cold. Why is it so cold in here?!?!?!" It got so bad I even brought her a blanket because I was tired of hearing it. She puts it across her lap and still complains.

I am frustrated. I want to scream. I'm tired of the negativity. I've been trying to instill positive attitudes at work. I'm not giving up....I'm just whining....Oh great!!! I'm morphing into them!!!

Time for an attitude of gratitude!!!

10 Memories that Make Me Smile:

1. My youngest girl toddling into the pond at the Portland Oregon Temple.
2. The look on my oldest daughter's face the day she found out she was accepted to BYU
3. My tiny son when he caught his first froggy for his daddy
4. The smile on my daughter's face when we were ready to board our flight to Utah...BYU Bound.
5. The day my son passed the sacrament for the first time
6. Listening to my oldest reading her Patriarchal Blessing on the phone from college to me (we never could schedule it at home)
7. The look on my Hubby's face when he was offered a position as Head Custodian and given his own school
8. The day I changed into my current position at work.
9. The day Hubby and I got sealed for time and all eternity.
10. The births of all three of my children.

Yup....I think I'm in a  good place now!


Anonymous said...

Keep looking up!


H.K. said...

I know it can be hard to stay positive when you're work place is negative. But you got the right attitude and hopefully your cheerfulness will rub off on your co-workers! I used to have a sign that says, "thou shall not whine at work"- I posted it on my desk. Have a great Thanksgiving!